Captivator resin painted by DeeAnn Kjelshus

Quick Info

Size: Venti
Finished by: DeeAnn Kjelshus
Sculptor: Sarah Minkiewicz - Breunig
Medallion name: Captivator
Material: Resin
Media: Oils, Acrylics, Completed: 2024

Here is the Captivator resin in Venti scale sculpted by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig! He has been painted into a dark dappled silver bay. His coat glows. Sarah imbued this sculpture with so much presence and personality, and I strived to do it justice with the finishing touches. For the finish work I used oils, Pearl Ex pigments, and acrylics for the finer details. The subtle glow was achieved with multiple Pearl Ex pigments, including blue, purple, copper, and gold. I'm a fan of using complementary colors for added vibrancy, so I incorporated mixes of burnt umber and blue for his deepest shadows.

The understated perfection of the mane and tail on this sculpture truly shines, and I wanted to emphasize that with the finish work. Sarah masterfully captured volume and definition with subtle shapes and textures. In an attempt to do them justice, I used about 10 different colors in his mane and tail. Some are blended smoothly, others are applied with sharper lines to create highlights.

by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus by DeeAnn Kjelshus